Saturday, May 20, 2006

Teen Buzz and Teenager Repellent!!

Teenager Repellent?

Ever heard of it? Mosquito is launched as a is a teenager repellent - an ultrasonic device that emits a sound only audible to teenagers. Click here to read about the details!

In the Company's own words:

"The Mosquito ultrasonic teenage deterrent is the solution to the eternal problem of unwanted gatherings of youths and teenagers in shopping malls and around shops. The presence of these teenagers discourages genuine shoppers and customers’ from coming into your shop, affecting your turnover and profits. Anti social behaviour has become the biggest threat to private property over the last decade and there has been no effective deterrent until now.

It seems that there is a very real medical phenomenon known as presbycusis or age related hearing loss which, according to The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, "begins after the age of 20 but is usually significant only in persons over 65". It first affects the highest frequencies (18 to 20 kHz) notably in those who have turned 20 years of age". It is possible to generate a high frequency sound that is audible only to teenagers."

Now comes the most interesting part!!
Teen Buzz!

Well some of our smart teens have recorded the ultra-high sound - audible only to under-20s- onto their cell phones, and are now receiving calls and text messages in class - without teachers having the faintest idea of what is going on.They call it Teen Buzz, and it's spreading it from phone to phone via text messages and Bluetooth. Seems like a new market is blooming in there!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Future of Ringtones....????

Its time for a new concept called Alert tones. Several wireless operators are expected to introduce musical "alert tones" -- a snippet of a song lasting between two and five seconds, that users can assign to play when they receive incoming text messages and voice mail, similar to a ringtone.

Endtone seeks to replace the beeping that occurs when a call has been dropped, concluded or otherwise disconnected with a musical alert.

PhoneBites, has a service called Razz that enables phone users to insert audio clips into active conversations, outgoing messages and voice mail. Well, is there a limit to personalization?

Want to show who is calling?

What if people could see who you are talking to, or at least get an idea? Would you love to wear your heart on your sleeve? Well, here comes the answer! DotDotDot is a wearable display that connects to your mobile phone and is triggered by your communication. Dotdotdot connects to your phone over bluetooth. designing animations requires a java application. Once you've saved the animations to your friends numbers, then all you have to do is call.

Skype Over Mobile!

SoonR Talk empowers you to make Skype calls all over the world from your mobile phone. The User is no longer tied to thePC. Its a great application which conferences you and your buddy using Skype and requires the SoonR client on the desktop and a data plan on the mobile. International calling is never this economical!

Also check SoonR Desktop, which enables a user to remotely access his desktop through his mobile. What more, it works even when your PC is off! Interesting application, isn't it?

Interactive Advertising!

DAEM Interactive is a software company based in Barcelona which develops "augmented reality" technologies for camera-phones which include an image recognition platform focused on mobile marketing and advertisement campaigns. Their technology identifies advertisements photographed by users and sends back related multimedia contents.

Brands and advertising agencies get to boost their marketing campaigns and promotions without having to make special developments or changes, maximizing their budget. And for users, it's as easy as taking a picture. Users can interact with brands in a non intrusive way, where and when they want to, by simply pointing their cameraphones at an ad (magazine or billboard) and clicking. Then, they can MMS the content to the DAEM server and DAEM software enables them to interact directly with the information and access the contents they are looking for.

Well, the service is based on an intersting concept, yet it needs to mature in the offering. Can this offering be enhanced to offer details just by pointing the mobile over the Ad? Can it host interactive polling, commenting and messaging? Looks like its a long way to go!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Integration of Telecom and Textile via Bluetooth

Mobeeline is an emotional mobile service based on wearable technology. The basic focus of this service lies in stimulating people's emotions with an interaction between mobile and wearable technology, and to develop a social network service between friends.

The main goal is to create a wearable Bluetooth accessory that can receive data from a mobile phone. For example, let us assume that there are two mobile phone users. One user can send operative directions to the other's clothes as the user wants. Without the two users having to meet, they can share their feelings and emotions by sending signals to each other's clothes. Using our service, they will be changed the colors of each others garments, certain patterns or they can send emoticons to LEDs on the garment.

Check out Mobeeline for further details!

Well, the question still remains, do I want to wear my heart (rather my friend's feelings) on the sleeve?

Mobile Visual Search!

Imagine how simple it would be if you just take a picture of something with your Mobile and search it via Internet. It would take the search engine and online shopping to the next level and enhance the comfort factor in our life.

Check out what Nevenvision and Mobot got to say over this.

Much like the Photo2Search project being developed by Microsoft Research Asia, a new cameraphone-based image recognition service called "Search By Camera!" is promising to help consumers acquire info on products by simply snapping a picture while shopping.

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Calling of the Virtual World!

When did I ever dream that I would be able to create a virtual life out of imagination? Well with second life one can do lot more. U can live an entirely different virtual life on the web and even trade your creations, sell the land, dress your virtual person and do lot more. Click here to check the recent story line in BussinessWeek about the implications of this virtual world on Teens.

Pondering over the implications, I am just amazed over the possibilities and the opportunities offered by the virtual worlds. Looking at the darker side, I am worried about the vanishing blur between the reality and the virtual life styles and the new levels of addiction it may span in teenagers. For now, let's bask under the sheer optimism and the engagement of the creative geniuses across the world!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Face Recognition in Photo Search

Well, that's what promises to do. Well, in simple terms that means that I can tag my friends and relatives and can search through those volumes of photos to catch up on exactly whom I wanted to see. Sounds cool!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mobile Scaner!

Ever been lazy to jot down the notes from the white board or a document? U may discover a friend in ScanR. Scan, copy and fax with your camera phone or digital camera. scanR uses advanced imaging processing and data extraction technologies to convert photos into legible, searchable PDF files. With Document Tagging, where each document sent to scanR is tagged with the keywords extracted from the text on the page, ScanR enables easy organization of documents to facilitate quick searches using Google™ Desktop or other desktop search tools.

Click Here to Get the Details.


Well, here it goes.. You landed at New Delhi Airport and can't make out any sense of the Direction Board. What do you do then? nThrum has got an answer for that. Just focus on the test and search. Its as simple as that. Using nThrum, one can focus his mobile on any text in the real world and search that text on the web. Sounds easy thn typing the whole thing in Google! It comes as a freeware to be downloaded onto a mobile phone. What more can one ask for?

Click Here for More Details!

Click on the Real World!

Sounds surprising, isn't it? Well that's what promises to do! GeoVector enables a User to point their mobile phones at various public spaces to get the details of an object, to buy the tickets of their favorite show, or engaging in multi party gaming with friends by incorporating a GPS component. Well, its called life empowered by technology!

Build A Bear!

A retail chain which allows children to create their own teddy bears.. well, sounds interesting isn't it? I have always liked to hold a lovely teddy, and the fun just doubles if I can design or personalize or create that dream teddy in my mind! A very perceptive insight into human nature made this Build-A-Bear Workshop retail chain a roaring success.

Click here to catch the details!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Welcome to my Quest for Innovation!

Working in an ideation lab, I thought its high time I would chronicle my curiosity over the innovation multiplying in the world around me. Innovation is the necessary dynamics of the business and its quite well needed for the survival of the organizations in this fierce battle field. I hope to salute the innovators in this blog world, who stand to the Goliaths, changing the rules of the game.